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Medical Product Design - COVID-19 Face Shields 

Producing locally made face shields, important for protecting from COVID-19

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During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia stores of medical PPE were being rapidly depleted, with significant competition for available goods. Healthcare workers were often required to improvise their own PPE, extend usage of available PPE or use expired items. Idea to Life took on the challenge of producing locally made face shields, important for protecting from airborne droplets for the COVID-19 response.

Project vision and approach

We focussed on sourcing locally available materials and implementing additional equipment and fixtures locally to produce these face shields to a high level of quality on time. Working with the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, The University of Western Australia and the WA Department of Health. Idea to Life (through our locally based manufacturing initiative Adarsh Australia) designed, tested and produced 10,000 face masks ready for delivery.


As a fully capable, vertically integrated design hub Idea to Life worked with the client and other key stakeholders to develop a readily manufacturable, high quality face shield and produce these locally at short order.


This face shield was developed to fulfil an urgent need for locally produced PPE for healthcare workers.


Idea to Life worked closely with key stakeholders to facilitate rapid development, testing and deployment of the shields.


Concept development







Idea to Life delivered 10,000 locally produced face shields on time.

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